Borbála Szuromi

Borbála Szuromi

Born into a family of opera musicians, Borbála Szuromi began her musical studies at an early age.

She holds a diploma in music pedagogy from Vienna Konservatorium, and two Master’s degrees in violin and in vocal performance from the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM). During her Master’s studies, she has developed a particular interest in contemporary and experimental music.

The young Hungarian soprano regularly collaborates with established contemporary composers on premieres of new works (Wolfgang Rihm, Stefano Gervasoni, Nicolas Roulive, Manuela Guerra, Matteo Gualandi, Leonardo Marino, András Emszt, Julie Semoroz).

Winner of the ‘Prix Contrechamps’, she performs a varied repertoire of modern classical and experimental music, exploring vocal practice with electronics, and using innovative technologies to create unique sound textures.

Borbála has worked with many renowned conductors, including Clement Power, Arie Van Beek, Gábor Takács-Nagy and Tomas Hanus.

She performed a leading part in the first edition of, a multidisciplinary creation of contemporary opera “Huit Minutes (nous y étions presque…)” by Leonardo Marino. She was a soloist in John Adams’s Grand Pianola Music with Orchestre de Chambre de Genève, in Philip Glass’s Einstein on the Beach at Grand Théâtre de Genève (GTG), and played the role of Jano in Jenůfa at GTG.

Borbála was awarded the Leenaards Foundation Cultural Grant 2023.