Borbála Szuromi



22 & 23 September 2024 – Biennale In Situ, Lausanne
19.30 Espace AMARETTO
impro // soundscape // live looping

12 & 13 October 2024
Dido and Aeneas
Ensemble Vocal Féminin Polhymnia

3 November 2024 – Galerie Primaire, Chêne-Bougeries
JEUX ET FOLIE recital with piano
Borbála & Fruzsina Szuromi

1 December 2024 16.00 – Abbatiale de Romainmôtier
60ème anniversaire des Concerts de Romainmôtier
Premiere of Ezko Kikoutchi’s new work
Quatuor Sine Nomine

9 February 2025 – La Villa du Châtelet, Evian
JEUX ET FOLIE recital with piano
Borbála & Fruzsina Szuromi


6 & 7 July 2024 – Festival de la Cité, Lausanne
LES PERSANES – musical and poetic performance
6 July 19.00, Lausanne Cathedral
7 July 18.00, Lausanne Cathedral
World premiere
Concept and staging: Leili Yahr
Music by Blaise Ubaldini

9 June 2024 18.30 – Villa Dutoit, Petit-Saconnex
JEUX ET FOLIE recital with piano
Borbála & Fruzsina Szuromi

16 May 2024 19.30 – Hellensmusic Festival, UK
solo recital with electronics
own arrangements, live looping, improvisations
Kaija Saariaho: Lonh

12 May 2024 18.00 – Église de Saint-Laurent, Lausanne
Cantate et parole
Soprano solo
J. S. Bach: Cantata BWV 172

5 May 2024 17.00 – Victoria Hall, Geneva
Soprano solo
Patrick Hawes: Quanta Qualia
Annual concert of UNIGE Choir

21 April 2024 19.00 – ISON, Budapest HU
solo recital with electronics
own arrangements, live looping, improvisations

20 April 2024 18.00 – BMC Library, Budapest HU
ON THE WAY – Compositions by András Emszt
Todesfuge (live looping)

14 & 18 April 2024 – Festival Archipel
Maison communale de Plainpalais, Geneva
14 April 16.30 Kaija Saariaho: Lonh
18 April 18.30 Kaija Saariaho: Jing

22 & 24 March – A. Dvořák: Stabat Mater
Soprano solo
22 March 20.00 – Salle Paderewski, Lausanne
24 March 17.00 – Temple de La Tour-de-Peilz

10 March 2024 17.00 – Espace Madeleine, Geneva
Geneva Chamber Choir

LES PERSES – Musical and documentary theatre
World premiere
Concept and staging: Leili Yahr
Music by Blaise Ubaldini

30 Jan – 11 Feb 2024
Théâtre du Loup, Geneva
24 Feb 2024
Théâtre Benno Besson, Yverdon-Les-Bains
15 March 2024
Nuithonie, Villars-sur Glâne

18 Nov 2023 18.15 – St Pierre Cathedral, Geneva
Candelight Concert

Solo recital with electronics
Own arrangements, live looping, improvisation

5 Nov 2023 17.00 – Espace Louis Simon, Gaillard 
Soprano solo
W. A. Mozart: Vesperae Solennes de Confessore KV 339
Michael Haydn: Requiem in C minor

4 Nov 2023 20.00 – Église Notre-Dame de l’Assomption, Évian-les-Bains
Soprano solo
W. A. Mozart: Vesperae Solennes de Confessore KV 339
Michael Haydn: Requiem in C minor